Saturday, 18 April 2015

Day 6 - Hobart,Port Arthur,Hobart

Hobart to Port Arthur and return.

Today was an early start as we had to be in Port Arthur for a 10am guided tour (which turned out to be a 10:30 tour - Noeline was making sure we made it to Port Arthur with plenty of time for a coffee, tea or hot chocolate with marshmallow's!.

McKinnon's and Hirst's in 12/50's and Nolan's in MGB setting out towards Port Arthur

Interesting silhouette in the early morning mist and sunshine
Mike B in the Graber - "where did those elusive 12/50's go?"
It must be cold - Alan and Noeline note Dale has his coat on!
Mike B in the Graber finds the 12/50's!
 The guide, as usual, was very entertaining and knowledgeable, and the area is being continually improved and the history and stories are great.

Ruins of the Port Arthur Penitentiary

The group listens to our guide

More ruins at Port Arthur

Port Arthur Church ruins

No explanation needed, what beautiful scenery on the bay cruise.

Jo and Ian, speed 20, Mike H and Ruth 12/50 and Jan and Mike B in Graber heading back to Hobart

Back to Hobart.  We eventually decided to have dinner at one of the harbour based fish eateries as a number of other options where closed.  On the way and only after some small level of convincing from Maritta and Alan we treated ourselves to what was agreed by all  to be the absolute best tasting potato cake from "Flippers".  They were superb!

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